Tim Lappen will be a speaker at the Milken Institute Global Conference at The Beverly Hilton Hotel. Tim will moderate the panel "What Comes Next for Wealth Management?"
Panel Detail:
Monday, April 26, 2010
4:00 PM – 5:15 PM
What Comes Next for Wealth Management?
John Duffy, Vice Chairman, J.P. Morgan U.S. Private Bank
S. Alexander Haverstick II, Founder and CEO, Boxwood Strategic Advisors
Anthony Pritzker, Managing Partner, The Pritzker Group
Timothy Lappen, Founder and Chairman, Family Office Group, Jeffer, Mangels, Butler & Marmaro LLP
The events of the past 24 months, especially in the capital markets, have rocked the lives of many investors. They’re concerned not only about their capital but also about the structures of their family offices, where to turn for advice and which institutions will be around in the long term (or even the short term). This panel will explore the best practices utilized today – by family offices and others – regarding such disparate issues as family governance, succession planning, choosing and retaining top talent (whether in-house or outsourced), and oversight/supervision of all of their varied interests (financial and otherwise).